Travel Hockey (Sq/Pw/Btm)
The Travel Hockey program is for those players looking to play competitive hockey and are dedicated to skill development. Players will be on the ice 4-5 times per week and will be coached by our elite coaching staff. Teams will compete in the Northern Illinois Hockey League (NIHL).
The Bluehawks Travel program is for Squirts to Bantams. Please reference the birth year chart for appropriate ages/levels.
Preseason skates begin August 17 followed by tryouts starting August 25. The season runs through the end of February.
Practices and home games are played at the Northbrook Sports Center
Each team will have on average 3 practices per week including skill sessions and team practices.
Teams will play approximately 35-50 games including seeding round, regular season, playoffs, and tournaments.
We anticipate each team participating in 3 tournaments including the Wishbone Tournament over Thanksgiving. Tournaments will be selected by the Hockey Director, Travel Director, and coaching staff. Season fees will include the 1st tournament and Wishbone.
Goalie Instruction
Goalies will attend goalie clinics once a week. Goalie staff to be announced soon!
Volunteer Program
Each family with one or more children in House and/or Travel programs will be required to complete volunteer hours throughout the year. There will also be an “Opt Out” option.
NBHL will utilize the Crossbar system to manage our volunteer opportunities. This program is not intended to be a fundraiser. There is a lot of volunteer work and hours to be completed each year and this program is meant to spread the hours needed among the entire program.
For more information, click here:
Upon initial registration, you will be charged a tryout fee. Preseason skates and tryouts are included in the tryout fee. Once teams are selected, you will receive an "offer." If accepted, you will then be charged the season fee which can be paid in full or in installments. Please see the attached fee schedule.
Season fees include the first tournament of the season and the Wishbone Tournament. Fees will also include game socks and pant shell.
Slush Fund
Team managers will collect money at the beginning of the season for a team account or "slush fund". These funds will be used for team expenses such as a 3rd tournament, coaches travel expenses, and any other special team events. The amounts can vary but are anticipated to be around $400-$500. This should be lower than previous years as the first tournament fee is now included in the season fee.
Game Jerseys: Funds raised from the Parent Social will be used to help offset the cost of game jerseys this year. The organization will cover the cost of one jersey and families will be billed $100 for the other.
Game socks and pant shells are included in the season fee.
Practice jerseys will be given out at the start of tryouts.
Preseason & Tryouts
Each level will have 4 preseason skates followed by 3 tryouts. These are included in the $325 tryout fee.
USA Hockey
All players require a USA Hockey number to register. Click the button below to obtain a new membership number. Membership numbers for the upcoming fall season are available beginning April 1.
Financial Assistance
Limited financial assistance is available. Applications are due no later than August 15. Players must be registered to participate in preseason clinics and payment is required to register.
For questions about financial assistance, please contact:
Fall 2024-2025
Levels & Birth Years
Squirt: 2014-2015
Peewee: 2012-2013
Bantam: 2010-2011
Tryout Fee: $325
Season Fee:
Squirt Skater/Goalie: $4,475/$2,425
Peewee Skater/Goalie: $4,825/$2,550
Bantam Skater/Goalie: $5,125/$2,725
*Tryout fees are non-refundable and will not be prorated. Tryout fees are charged at the time of registration. Season fees are billed after tryouts when the offer to join a team is accepted. An installment plan is available for season fees.
Coaching Slate
Squirt 1: Matt Rotman/Thomas Choe
Squirt 2: Bob Anderson/Eric Anderson
Squirt 3: Keith Panlilio/TBD
Squirt 4: Daniel Freedman/TBD
Peewee 1: Tom Gullen/Ryan Maksimovic
Peewee 2: Matt Rotman/Kip Poncher/Adam Poncher
Bantam 1: Woody Steinken/Tony Salazar
Bantam 2: Ted Rennemann/Arman Kapoor